
Leader FAQ


Leader FAQ

  • I want to be a volunteer - can I apply?

Yes! Check out http://www.allontario.com/volunteer/ to see what the current needs are.

  • Could our youth group have a small group together?

This year, we urge youth groups to attend with a supportive adult, fostering long-term relationships beyond the event. This could be their youth leader, parent, grandparent, young adult (or YOU) from their church. We believe in discipleship through enduring relationships and want youth groups to stay connected and grow together.

  • Can male and female conventioneers from the same youth group be in a small group together?

Nope. Although we know this would be ideal for some smaller youth groups that want to meet together, it isn't possible.

  • Is our youth group required to have a youth leader attend with us?

No, but it would be best if they did!

  • As a volunteer, I need a letter from AOYC in order to get a Police Check.

Email registration@allontario.com for a letter.

  • Is it possible to get an accurate list of all youth/leaders attending from my church?

Yes, please have one of the leaders email registration@allontario.com for the link to an up-to-date list.

  • Can youth and leaders room together?


  • Can a husband and wife room together?






As you can imagine, it takes a great team to lead this event.

Right now, our biggest need is for passionate leaders to join in the planning, as part of our volunteer team, offering vision and energy in the coming months. To learn more about these teams, email registration@allontario.com. This generally involves monthly meetings and some creative or administrative tasks.

We also need:

  • Team volunteers (email registration@allontario.com for details and roles)

    • Leadership and planning team

    • Check-in and general help throughout the day

    • Sports and leisure volunteers

  • Small Group Leaders (lead several conversations with a group of teens). We'll provide discussion questions; you provide your enthusiasm, passion, and love for teens. A great role for young adults, youth leaders, parents, and anyone with a heart for taking the AOYC experience deeper for each teen. Should be 20 or older, and pays the regular registration rate. To sign up as an SGL or volunteer, email registration@allontario.com.